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Fill out this optional survey, answering each question as best you can, and a Happy Ground member will contact you via email with tips and suggestions to help you live an environmentally-friendly life!

1. Do you think about how long you will be using an item before throwing it away before you purchase it?

2. How long could you go without buying any new products, exluding food items and cleaning products, ie. clothing, water bottles, plates/utensils/napkins, etc.?

3. If you saw someone drop a piece of trash on the ground of a beach or park, would you:

4. If you held a BBQ party at a local park, how would you take care of the coals you used for the grill?

5. What are the reasons you participate in community service projects that help clean your community clean?

6. Do you have any tips or suggestions as to how Happy Ground could expand or better their organization?

7. What areas of Ventura County are you interested in participating in clean-ups in?