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Why Volunteer?

The oceans and parks are our natural home. The earth is the one place that we all inhabit and it is our responsibility to keep it clean. The water and grass is full of trash that has already been there and it's not too late to fix it. Volunteering at Happy Ground is a great opportunity for students who need to get community service hours or who are just looking to make a difference. Come for the cleanup, leave as a community.

Sign up here!

A Happy Ground begins with you.

Pollution Facts

1. 80% of the causes for ocean pollution are from humans on land

2. There is an average of 3.4 oil spills a year since 2001

3. The majority of ocean pollution from water is from cruise ships

4. Other causes are floating pieces broken off ships and humans leaving plastic trash on the beach shores.

5. All the pollution in the pacific ocean is big enough to fill the state of Texas

6. If fish get affected, then so do the humans who eat the fish

7. Six-pack holders will not decompose for 400 years.

Only you can make a difference for your beaches and parks! Getting involved in Happy Ground is a step you can take
in making the beaches and parks cleaner for the people who visit and the animals who live in it. Sign up today!

beach picture